Grup conversation-Modal auxiliaries


Modal Auxiliaries

Galuh   : hi guys, tomorrow Departement of Multimedia Creative will hold a  big project, the project is “Kampong Kreatif“, look this

Dea      : really???, we must go there, we must go there

Putra   : no, I don’t want it

Galuh   : why? This is a one of spectacular project from Departement of Multimedia Creative

Dea      : yes, it’s true, there are many comunity who show off their project

Putra   : no, what is that? I’m not interested in that, better I sleep at home

Galuh   : Putra, lets go, you have to joint with us! In there we will have fun together, right?

Putra   : no, i remember that I have many task and I must submit it tomorrow

Dea      : no no no, we didn’t have any task to be submitted tomorrow

Putra   : well, I have promise with my girlfriend to pick up her

Galuh   : Putra please, you don’t have any girlfriend put, please you are a lier

Putra   : no, you don’t know if I get a relationship with her yesterday

Dea      : oke fine, you are annoying people, I don’t care with your life, just go with your  opinion, i hate you ! lets go galuh

Galuh   : okay dea, let’s go, leave him alone de

Putra   : okay, wait me girl, I’m sorry, I think I must join with you guys. Please

G+D     : Okay let’s go now!

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