
Here it is...................
Happy reading^^

R  : It’s good weather is’nt it? Do you want to go to Forest, and see waterfall?
D : Yeah of course I want, it is good place to go .. (said mrs.  R)
They walking around forest
R : it’s been a long time we did’nt go to waterfall darl,
Mrs. R : youre allright darl. I can’t wait to see the waterfall
 and then they meet Mr. T..
Mr. T : errr… is that you R? (Mr T look at Mr. R with narrowed eyes)
Mr. R : Eh…? (Mr. R startled) is that you T..?
Mr. T : oohh it’s great to see you here, it’s been a long time brother.
(both of them are hugging each other happily )
Mr. R : yeah it’s been a long time, since five years ago right?
Mr. T : yeah, five years. And who is she ? this is your wife?  (mr. T see and smile to Mrs. R)
Mr. R : let me introduce you, This is Gee, She is my wife. And darling, this is T, he is my old Friend.
Mrs. R : Oh so you’re T, R always tell me about you. Nice to meet you
Mr. T : hehe.. nice to meet you too, R is very lucky to have a beautiful woman like you.
Mr. R : of course I am. Haha.. and where is your wife T.
Mr. T : oh where is she? Ah there.. Babe , come here. (So Mrs. T come with holding her cute baby)
Mrs. T : whats going on Daddy?
Mr. T :  don’t say that you forget him? He is R, you remember?
Mrs. T : Oh my god, is this R?
Mr. R : Yes is me, long time no se Mrs. T..
Mrs. T : Yeah long time no see
(they are shaking their hands)
Mr. R : Oh, I will introduce you darl, she is my wife Gee, and she is Mrs. T darl. T’s Wife.
Mrs. R : Hello, nice to meet you.
Mrs. T : nice to meet you too.
Mrs. R : Aaa.. cute baby, is he your baby mrs T?
Mrs. T : Yeah.. now he is four years old. His name is Ken. Ken say hi to Aunty and Uncle..
Ken : hii.. aunty. Hi Uncle. Nice to meet you (he said that with innoncent face)
Mrs. R : aahh Cute.. nice to meet you Ken..
Mr. R : nice to meet you too Ken.
Mr. T : by the way. Where are you want to go?
Mr. R : we are going to go to Waterfall.
Mr. T : we’re the same.
Mrs. R : So, let’s go see waterfall together.
Mrs. T : great idea. Let’s go.
Ken : Let’s Go….

Give  comment please :)
it is not good enough so i need your comment, and criticism and make it better..
thankyou see you in next post ^^

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4 komentar

  1. nice to know that i'm the first commentator....awkwk :D *plaaak*

  2. i think word "walking" in line three should be just "walk"

  3. aloha deee^^
    is it story about alphabet? hehe:D you can search many name in this world anyway *aja aja hwaiting

    (visit and put your comments on

  4. good dialogue dea :)
    don't forget to visit and put your comment on


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